Friday, October 31, 2008


Hello welcome to HoneyChildsStyle. This is a place where I continually search out what makes me feel beautiful inside and out. I absolutely LOVE fashion but I also think life is bigger than that. How I feel about myself is more important than how I look is my ultimate belief. Now, don't get me wrong I really, really LIKE to look good but I just want to feel as good, if not better than I look. I want my sense of style to reflect ME. So my philosophy is that if I get to know and love me on the inside FIRST the outside is gravy! LOL!

Speaking of me, well here's a little bit about ME! I'm a newly married mom and a widow all at once (WHEW that's alot already LOL!). I'm also an old hair stylist (16 years) and a fledgling blogger and vintage boutique owner. Two of my greatest passions are self improvement and fashion. Being my best and looking my best are important to me. That' why I started this blog. I have seen alot of things in my life and I've missed some things. I am learning everyday. I am constantly evolving on the inside and on the outside. One thing I've learned for sure is that life is about the journey not the destination so I better enjoy the trip!!

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