Thursday, November 6, 2008

What I've Learned about Shoes

Aren't they beauties? Can you believe they almost met Purple Heart? That's right I was going to give these shoes away and I was totally heart broken about it. I absolutely hate to have to give away shoes that I would buy again in another size, just because they're a little snug. But, Alas, such is life! I began to prepare my heart for the separation......and then, out of no where...It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's my Shoe Repairman! Now, I always knew you could get a heel replaced and get them polished and all, but I didn't know that you could stretch shoes and have the calf area of boots extended on boots that are a little snug. I actually got some boots done too but they won't be ready until next week, I make sure to keep you posted! Mean while, I am sooo pleased with the results. My heart is aflutter with joy! I can keep them! Thank you Mr. Shoe Repairman. Thank you!

So before you go getting rid of some much loved shoes or boots because they've grown a little snug, find your local shoe repairman and see what he can do. You too might be able to avoid a heartbreak.
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