Monday, November 3, 2008

A New Day

Here are a few pieces that I am listing in the store. I'm really excited about everything. I am so excited and scared at the same time. This is all so new. The store is new, the blog is new, heck I'm new!!! I'm newly married and on Saturday I'll be 37. Time and life just keep going. I remember a time when I could'nt imagine what life would hold. Where would I go?

The day was November 17, 2006. It started as normal as any other day BUT it ended with me being a widow. I had no idea that life could or even would get any better. I was trully crushed. I could never imagine love or happiness again. I did'nt know who I was or where I was going. I was utterly lost and imagined I'd always be that way. But her I am, finding my way in this new life and finding that I am so happy. Not just that I married the most WONDERFUL man but that I am finding my way and my passion. I TRULLY feel blessed and I am going to take my time and drink it in. As I draw closer to the anniversary of the day that my life changed forever I will remember it with some tears but I will also know that a beautiful new me has been born out of that time. I have now even more courage to reach for the things that I want in this life and enough life experience to appreciate what is around me. I LOVE my life and that in itself is the gift.
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1 comment:

Sharon said...

Hi there-well done on opening your new etsy store and happy birthday to you as well!